Kala is a passionate and motivated business woman with over 18 years experience as a Self Employed solo mother of two. Kala creates her own products using her own garden herbs and other herbs within New Zealand. Her extracts are created with full passion with people as her first focus and it is believed this natural ability has been passed down to her from both sides of her family - Her Great Grandfather Hugh who was a Chemist from England and her Maori Ancestry of Whakatohea, Te Whanau Apanui and Ngai Tahu (where she is also a passionate Business Mentor).
Kala is a Qualified Registered Herbal Consultant (Reg1082), Herbal Education Centre, Auckland New Zealand, Certified under the World Health Organisation Indigenous Training Category. The Directors of our institution are Tohunga Rongoa and represent traditional wholistic health education that provides rongoā, herbal and natural health training. Kala is a member of the Herb Federation of New Zealand.
Kala, as a Qualified Consultant, is all about bringing balance to one's life with a focus on moving toward a more healthy lifestyle through her herbal products.
Her true passion is about empowering people to make changes both in nutrition and body balance.

Note: Social Media pages are currently under construction.